5 May 2014

Choosing joy

Happy May, dear friends!   I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately.  I still haven't replied to your comments from my last post but I promise I'll get there soon!  

April and May have brought back memories of our last days with my Mom.  It will be a year tomorrow that she left this earth to go to her forever home in Heaven.  Since Easter, I've struggled with a lot of sadness and grief.  I wondered how I was going to get through this first anniversary.  Then I realized, why would I miss her anymore on the 365th day than I do on the 364th or 366th?  Every day I continue to learn how to live without her.   I will always miss her, whether it's been one year or ten.  Anniversaries will continue to come - some happy and some sad.

So I've decided to choose joy instead of sadness.  I'm choosing to celebrate all the blessings in my life.  Like these purple crocus in my garden.  (I thought I'd better photograph them before the rabbits finished them off.  Every morning I go out to find a few more blooms missing and the leaves nibbled to the ground.  The rabbits are very hungry after such a long winter and I guess anything fresh and green is delicious right about now!)  Mom loved the colour purple and she enjoyed seeing these crocus bloom in my garden every Spring.  

We have a choice as to how we live our days.  We can be sad or we can choose joy.  I'm choosing to remember Mom with joy.

I'm closing comments until I can get caught up with you all!