18 April 2011

Spring flowers

Tiny little squill picked from my garden ... I love how they spread and come up in unexpected places every spring.  They're such a pretty shade of cornflower blue and they look like tiny blue stars scattered throughout the garden.


  1. I get something like this as well, though it's not as "pointy" -- I have no idea what it's called...maybe it's squill?? I'll have a closer look when it comes up! These are so pretty!

  2. Sweet little flower with such a beautiful color. I'm not at all familiar with them.

  3. What an incredible color, Lynda! I love squill and even planted some a few years ago but they didn't come up. Perhaps I'll find some wild ones in the garden. Thanks for your beautiful spring photos and hope you are having some lovely weather! xo – g

  4. How beautifully artistic! Just love the arrangement,such gorgeous flowers,it looks like a work of art!!

  5. LOVE that blue! I reminds me of the deep blue sea & sky by the fjords here. :o) Happy Spring, Lynda... And Happy Easter ((HUGS))

  6. So pretty! Our first home had these lovely little blue flowers scattered all over the yard ~ I looked forward to seeing them each Spring ♥
    Wishing you a Blessed Easter Lynda.

  7. Oh my gosh..so beautiful.

    I'm so glad spring has finally settled on your shoulders my friend...I know it's been a long winter.


Thanks for visiting! ♥