12 August 2013

Heavenly Blue

My morning glories are finally blooming.  They waited until August before making their appearance, fashionably late but well worth waiting for!  They've been gorgeous!  Each morning I'm greeted with masses of beautiful blue blooms.  Heavenly Blue is my favourite of all the morning glories ... I just love that shade of blue!

I've been unintentionally absent from blogland lately.  Knowing that I'm soon to head back for more chemo (I see my new oncologist next Monday), I'm feeling a sense of urgency to finish, or at least start, some of the projects that have been on my to do list for the past year.  At the same time, I want to do nothing more than enjoy the beautiful Summer weather we've been having and sit in the garden with a good book.  I'm reading the Elm Creek Quilts series at the moment and absolutely loving them.  But between trying to finish up with the garden renovations while I still have the energy and tackling a few projects inside that I planned to do later this year and may now not be able to get to, there's been little to no time left for blogging.

It seems that all of a sudden, there's a hint of Autumn in the air.  Aside from it getting dark so much earlier, I've noticed a bit of a chill in the morning and evening air.  Is it just me or has this Summer flown by faster than usual?

See you soon!



  1. Tengo en mi casa esta misma enredadera!!Crece muy rápido. Hermosas tus fotos.
    Abrazos desde Argentina.

  2. I absolutely love Heavenly Blue Morning Glories. Can't seem to grow them anymore due to lack of sunshine (too many trees) but I do remember one summer they were absolutely gorgeous covering my back fence.

    I am praying that all goes well on your initial visit to your new Dr. and that she guides you thru this next journey with skillful hands and a loving heart!!

  3. It certainly is flying...it just showed up last week. LOL! Oh the morning glories are wonderful. I'm hoping that the wee little buds on mine have a chance to bloom before frost comes.

    1. And I love the way Deanna put that last paragraph. I'll add a warm "Amen."

  4. Blue morning glories are the most beautiful, or at least I think so!
    Always know that my thoughts are with you, and my prayers for you are many. xo.

  5. Hello Lynda, I just love blue morning glories! They make my heart sing! Sending prayers and good thoughts to you from Oklahoma!
    All the best!

  6. Hello Lynda
    It has felt like autumn with the cooler temperatures here for a couple of weeks now. Your blue morning glories are beautiful and one vine I don't try to grow any more because of the bunnies.
    Wishing you well on the next step of your journey.

  7. Those morning glories are so pretty! I tired to grow them once, but they didn't really flourish the way I had hoped. You're in my thoughts...wishing you well. xo

  8. I believe you may be right about summer going by far to quickly this year, Lynda. July was filled with either rain or very hot days. Now August has arrived and it feels more like fall! As long as the sun is shining I'm happy : )

    Hopefully you will get most of your plans in place before you start chemo again. There is always so much to do, but taking the time to savour the remaining days of summer is the most important of them all! xoxo


  9. how gorgeous are your morning glory! I agree - heavenly blue are the most stunning.
    feel the same as you, this summer has just flown by & the evenings do seem to be drawing in. I've been wearing a sweater on my evening walks with Archer to the park (not that I'm complaining) :-} love these cooler temps.
    sending love & hugs xo

  10. i love blue flowers! lovely photos xo

  11. I feel it too... that subtle change in the air. And the trees in the forest where I walk in the mornings are starting to change. Early this year. Probably from a lack of water. But I couldn't be happier. Autumn is my favourite!


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